Fox tank

I made this for Arthur

Created by: Lynette T

  • Project Details


    Knitting up nicely. The wool is lovely to knit with & the pattern very easy to follow.
    30/1/17: Back done, up to the colourwork on the front.
    11/2/17: Colourwork finished. Not looking great but hope that with some adjusting & pulling of stitches it will improve. Finished the first shoulder & working on the second. NB There’s an error in Row 99 of the second shoulder. It should read K1, sl, K1, psso, k31.
    15/2/17: After a couple of days & a night in hospital I came home & finished the armholes. Sewing up the side seams & adjusting the fox left to do. And buttons, as I left a larger opening for the head - Arthur has a large head. Crocheted the loops & attached them using the start & finish threads.
    16/2/17: Ends all woven in, now to modify the stitches of the fox and use some black to sew over the stitches for eye & nose. I decided against knitting them in.


    • Boys



    Skill Level



    Started on: Jan 22, 2017 Finished on: Feb 18, 2017
  • Comments

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    • Rocket Clothing London / Linda Whaley

      Beautiful knitting!
      I hope you loved the pattern.
      • Lynette T


        I did thank you Linda. As I said in my notes the pattern is easy to follow and the finished product looks beautiful on! I used it again with my own picture for a Nemo tank for my second grandson. There's an error in the pattern though which you might like to correct. Nothing major.
        Thank you for the pattern. I can't create them myself, so I value what you do very much!
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